TALENT SEARCH: In #24 I asked those who had some particular talents and abilities that could help out to put them on a 3x 5 card and send them along. I am disappointed at the few who have done so. I hope you will take this reminder to heart and do so now. Par- ticularly I'm interested in those who could take a reg- ular newspaper cartoon and redraw it in such a way as to retain the applicability of the suggested caption while making it different enough so that plagiarism could not be charged. There is a lot of humour in our lives and I think a TV slanted cartoon book would be well worth while. Certainly original cartoons are the best and I solicit all you can draw, they are not al- ways easy to conceive of. So if we can get ideas from cartoons already drawn for other purposes and adapt them to the TV slant we would have an unlimited supply. VII. PLUG FOR LITTLE SISTERS: TRANSVESTIA is natur- ally the backbone of Chevalier's activities, but in response to demands for something more frequently than 2 months and because there isnt room in TVia for every- thing, the FEMMEMIRROR, CLIPSHEET AND TV TALES were started. Each fills its own niche in the scheme of things. However many of you think only in terms of TVia. I strongly solicit your subscriptions to the FEMMEMIRROR, not for financial reasons, but because here is a means of "talking" to your sisters on all kinds of things. It provides much outlet to those who contribute and much particpation to those who read. The Mirror is a publication of participation, a forum, a gossip sheet, an informal way of exchanging views, ideas and comments. At only $1 per issue or 12 for $10 on a yearly basis it is not expensive and really provides a personal outlet to those who support it.
The first issue of TV TALES is all gone so some of those who decided late that they wanted it have been disappointed. But #2 is now available and if you want to get it you had best do so. I dont print nearly as many of these as of TVia. The Clipsheet is still going too, with #15 out this month. So those who have not looked into the other publications might well do so particularly with the savings of the group subscription.